This Event Shows Why We Need Blockchain-Backed Systems NOW

This Event Shows Why We Need Blockchain-Backed Systems NOW


This morning, the world’s systems had an outage!

Not some city or country, but the ENTIRE WORLD!

It shows exactly why we need Blockchain and Decentralization.

Check it out here: Widespread Technology Outage Disrupts Flights, Banks, Media Outlets, and Companies Around the World

Scary, isn’t it?

You’ll see in the top of the article that it reads …..“a massive disruption that affected companies and services around the world and highlighted dependence on software from a handful of providers.”

That is called “centralization” and we have way too much of it!

Too few organizations controlling everything we do!

Well…at least one company is already doing something about it by creating decentralized blockchains which is the OPPOSITE of centralization.

People NEED to know about this but most are closing their eyes.

If we get ahead of this thing by partnering with companies like one I am about to show you, not only where it helps the world, but where you can PROFIT too, when the masses wake up to the fact that we need this technology now more than ever!



Mike J Anthony

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