Category: Cryptocurrency

How To Swap Into PulseChain Network

How To Swap Into PulseChain Network

PULSECHAIN NETWORK PulseChain Info: PULSECHAIN (HEX/ICSA/HEDRON) STAKING ICOSA X HEDRON: BUY ON PULSECHAIN DIRECT Coast: (TBD) SWAP EXCHANGES Pulsechain Swap Exchange: Pulsechain Swap Exchange: Ethereum Swap Exchange: TREZOR HARDWARE WALLET (Very Highly Recommended) Trezor Shop:   Get Paid For Your Unused Internet! Get Grass:  

Richard Heart Was Actually Right About Everything

Richard Heart Was Actually Right About Everything

So here’s how I went from thinking that Richard Heart was just some clown that was good at marketing, but not to be trusted, to seeing him as a genius who has truly tried to help people all along… The SEC’s bullshyt case against him is just against Richard, personally, not against his HEX cryptocurrency,…

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Bitcoin Will NOT Make Most People Rich

Bitcoin Will NOT Make Most People Rich

August 17, 2023 I am so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Bitcoin will not make most people rich from today’s price of under $29,000.  Let me tell you why… Most people, myself included, have missed Bitcoin’s meteoric price rise from $.05 to the $26K+ that it is as of this writing,…

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Bitcoin vs Big Banks

Bitcoin vs Big Banks

Here is a pic of the March 2023 performance of Bitcoin vs Deutsche Bank. This is only one snapshot in time but could be indicative of bigger things to come. Got Bitcoin?  

Proof-of-Work (PoW) vs Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

Proof-of-Work (PoW) vs Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

Proof-of-Work (PoW) is a mechanism Bitcoin uses to regulate the creation of blocks and the state of the blockchain. Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is an alternative consensus mechanism which delegates control of the network to owners of the token. Proof-of-Stake is presented as an improvement over Proof-of-Work because it does not require hardware or energy consumption. Proof-of-Stake…

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What Is Polygon MATIC and What Is It Used For?

What Is Polygon MATIC and What Is It Used For?

Formerly known as Matic Network, Polygon is an interoperability and scaling framework for building Ethereum-compatible blockchains. It is still centered around the MATIC token, which is used for governance, staking, and gas fees. In February 2021, Ethereum layer 2 scaling solution, Matic Network, rebranded as Polygon—an interoperable blockchain scaling framework. Here, we’ll explore what Polygon has set…

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Fidelity First to Offer Bitcoin to 401K Investors

Fidelity First to Offer Bitcoin to 401K Investors

The biggest retirement financial firm, Fidelity, is going to be the first to offer 401k investors access to Bitcoin.  Fidelity has over $11 Trillion in assets under management (AUM). Repeat: Fidelity has $11 TRILLION, not Billion, of assets under management. This is big news, in my opinion, and further proof of coming mass adoption of…

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Exclusive Limited Premium Domain NFT Sale

Exclusive Limited Premium Domain NFT Sale

Exclusive 4-Character Premium Domain NFT Sale by Unstoppable Domains. These are NOT your typical centralized ICANN domains. These are real NFT domains which only YOU can own. These domains range from $1200 to $100,000! Benefits: This is a limited opportunity to secure a unique digital identifier. Domains live with you forever. Unstoppable’s NFT domains have…

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MATIC Introduces New Scaling Solution Miden To Solve Ethereum Network Congestion

MATIC Introduces New Scaling Solution Miden To Solve Ethereum Network Congestion

On the Ethereum network, transaction fees continue to be a huge problem. It can cost upwards of $200 just to get a $10 transaction through.  Polygon MATIC is introducing a new scaling solution, called Miden, to solve Ethereum’s network congestion problem. Polygon network announced the launch of an advanced zk based scaling solution that could…

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Litecoin Foundation Launches OmniLite, A Decentralized Token Creation Platform

Litecoin Foundation Launches OmniLite, A Decentralized Token Creation Platform

OmniLite is an open-source platform that facilitates the creation of decentralized tokens and smart contracts along with crypto-assets such as tokens and NFTs. OmniLite, being a layered protocol built on top of Litecoin’s blockchain, takes advantage of its reputable network security and low fees.  The tokens created via OmniLite can be considered to be an…

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Bitcoins Unheard Of 200 Pct Compounded Annual Growth Rate

Bitcoins Unheard Of 200 Pct Compounded Annual Growth Rate

This article came out in March of 2021 but the data still holds up since its now history… Bitcoin’s CAGR is unprecedented in the history of finance, data shows, as MicroStrategy gives gold 10 years before it’s consumed by cryptocurrency. Bitcoin (BTC) has delivered returns that are “unheard of” in history and ultimately leave Tesla…

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Saifedean Ammous: How Bitcoin Combats Inflation

Saifedean Ammous: How Bitcoin Combats Inflation

The author of The Bitcoin Standard, Saifedean Ammous, is interviewed by Anthony Pompliano. I really love what he says about debt financing at around 16 minute mark. Check it out below… If you haven’t bought any Bitcoin or cryptocurrency yet, what are you waiting for? I use Binance.US at …and Coinbase at Want…

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Join the Helium Mining Network

Join the Helium Mining Network

Money From Thin Air – Join & Earn A Piece of the Network! Yes it is true. This system offers you the opportunity to literally make money from thin air. Everyone, everywhere, needs to get in on this NOW!!! Register ==> Webinar ==> This is a fully international opportunity. It is a small…

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