Bitcoin Will NOT Make Most People Rich

Bitcoin Will NOT Make Most People Rich

I am so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Bitcoin will not make most people rich from today’s price of under $29,000.  Let me tell you why…

Most people, myself included, have missed Bitcoin’s meteoric price rise from $.05 to the $26K+ that it is as of this writing, and having achieved $69K back in 2021.

Even when Bitcoin was $50, you missed it…$100?…You missed it!  $1,000?…You missed it! Today, at close to $30,000…you can’t afford it.

Its unfortunate, but most Americans do not have $1,000 to put aside for anything. But let’s say you did have $1,000, then Bitcoin would still NOT be the place to put it!

Why? Because let’s assume Bitcoin goes to a cool $1,000,000, which is not going to happen anytime soon, but if and when it does, that will be a multiple of 33 from a price of $30,000, which Bitcoin has not held for many months now.

So even in this best case scenario, and several years from now, your $1,000 only becomes $33,000. Are you rich? Nope! Not even close! You could pay off some credit card debt and that’s about it.

What happened? You missed the stellar gains from when Bitcoin was $.05…that’s what happened, and it’s not going to happen again!

It took only 7 or so years for Bitcoin to go from nothing, when everyday people could afford it, to $20,000 in the year 2017. But most everyday people missed this boat!

Look…I LOVE Bitcoin, and it is an incredible store of value, and I highly recommend it… if you already have money!

I first started to publicly recommend Bitcoin in late 2015, when it was still under $300 per coin. Today, I can’t do that anymore at nearly $30,000 per coin!

For those looking to make some money that is actually going to be life-changing, and you don’t have a lot of money already, YOU NEED A DIFFERENT PLAN!

So what do you do?

Life-Changing Wealth Comes From Extreme Price Volatility

You will need to get into something that is very cheap right now, has a strong community behind it, and that you believe will go up a lot in the future, or you will have to get good at cryptocurrency trading.

All of this has risk, which is a part of life and part of the fun of it, and none of this is financial advice…but its even more risky to do nothing and keep slaving away at a job you hate!

I do not know how to earn anything worthwhile without some sort of risk.

One suggestion I have is to look into a crypto asset called HEX.  It trades on some exchanges for less than a penny and many believe it has a bright future, and there is a super strong, loyal community behind it which is very important.

At its core, HEX is basically software (code) that is written into a smart contract which enables the development of applications over a decentralized, secure network called the PulseChain network.

HEX is totally decentralized and can be staked to yield more HEX over the safety of a decentralized financial application while holding for the future. You can find out more about HEX at HEX: How It Works.

I am a holder of HEX myself and I believe it has a future, along with the cult-like HEX community (called Hexicans).

This Hexican community is so strong and loyal that they have been referred to as being “cult-like”.

Two decentralized exchanges (DeFi) that I use to buy HEX over the Ethereum network are called Coast and the Dodo Exchange.

Coast is really cool because it has added a new “Buy” button, which means you can skip the complicated bridging and buy HEX, PLS, or PLSX, and many more directly to your Coast wallet over the PulseChain or Ethereum networks.  This makes things a lot easier.  Click Here to Create a Coast Wallet.

The HEX token and community are just one example. There are many others out there to find for yourself, but not all of them are created equal.

Educating yourself and finding out more about opportunities that are out there that everyday people can afford, and even one day become rich from, is priceless.

In HEX, you’re the bank. The more you learn about it, the more you’ll love it.

How to Buy and Stake HEX on the Ethereum Network

Also Try this HEX Passive Income Course.

Twitter: HEX has technological advantages over Bitcoin .

Coast: Easy Way to Onboard HEX

New to Crypto? Try this HEX Passive Income Course!

Trezor Hardware Wallet: Keep Your Crypto Safe!


Disclaimer: This article is not financial advice. Do your own due diligence before purchasing/investing in anything. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. Consult a financial professional for advice. The author currently holds a position in HEX crypto assets.




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