Tag: coinbase

Litecoin Cryptocurrency LTC Price Value How To Buy

Litecoin Cryptocurrency LTC Price Value How To Buy

I’ve been talking about Litecoin (LTC) cryptocurrency for quite sometime now but relatively few people even know what it is, atleast in my circles.  I’ve been following the price of Litecoin and have seen it go from $4 to near $400. I think Litecoin holds much more value than that though.   What Is Litecoin…

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401K Retirement A Pipe Dream for Millions

401K Retirement A Pipe Dream for Millions

The TV show, 60 Minutes, profiled a segment on 401k retirements and how they are not working for millions of workers across the country.  In typical 60 minutes fashion, the reporter talked to people on both sides of the issue: employees themselves and one of the leading Washington lobbyists for the mutual fund industry, which…

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