What Is Your “WHY”?

What Is Your “WHY”?

Hey, Mike here…

I need you to really think about what your “WHY” is…why is it that you want to make more money or start a successful online business?

For me, I have to consider, from time to time, WHY I do what I do…WHY I want the things I want…

Do you know that most of us don’t know what our “WHY” is until we reach deep down within ourselves and ask from a heartfelt, spiritual, and subconscious level?

I know what you’re thinking.

You’re thinking: “I know what I want”, probably. But most of us only “think” we know what we want.

Let me explain…

​​We all want more money, time, freedom, etc, etc…right? But did you ever really, I mean REALLY, ask yourself WHY you want those things? Chances are, you have not.

I know I did not until I attended an online​​ marketing event in Austin, TX.  There was this guy on stage talking and he suddenly asked all of ​us in the audience to close our eyes. So I closed my eyes…

Then he kept asking us WHY we wanted these things…​the extra time, money, freedom, etc, etc…​

…until we got mad at him! But he didn’t stop asking…

The rest of the audience was calling out the same type of things you’d expect…”freedom”, “more time with family”, “more money”, “more time with my kids”, etc, etc…

They were actually reaching for different answers but it was still all the same surface level stuff…

“WHY DO YOU KEEP ASKING ME ‘WHY’, FOR GOODNESS SAKE?”, my mind finally screamed back!

But then, something truly magical, even what I like to call “spiritual” happened. 

Power of Belief

You see, after I thought I had used up all my answers…

…after I was pissed off from ​that guy who kept asking, “…And why do you want that? What would THAT do for you that you don’t already have?”, after every surface layer answer I gave, which was only 3 by the way – more money, time, and freedom…

I ran out of answers after that…but the dude kept asking that same question over and over again…

…and what would THAT get you that you don’t already have?“, again and again…

…after I thought I had no more and my mind was blank, and I was now very pissed off, 

The guy on stage pushed for still more…

Now, I was standing up, with everyone else, ready to curse the guy’s very being when, finally, it hit me…

It hit me so hard I had to sit down and wipe sudden tears from my eyes…

There was also crying in the audience as they started to “transform” their thoughts into what their “WHY”s really were too!

I’ve never experienced anything like it, truthfully.

I started to hear the audience’s responses transform into deeper, more meaningful things than they were calling out in the beginning of the exercise.

Finally, out of the darkness and blankness of my mind, a new answer came to ME…

​It floored me and I never even thought about it before​ now.

AND THEN…you want to know what the guy said next, to the whole audience?

He said, “You know that feeling that you got, after finally peeling through all the stuff we THINK we want, that feeling that brought tears to your eyes?

THAT is your WHY!”

I watched 4,000 people transform before my very eyes at that moment!

As I’m writing this message now, I have goosebumps, and I am wiping away tears. That’s how powerful knowing what your WHY is!

…because we all struggle
…because we all get frustrated
…because we all know we were meant for something greater, but are not doing it, or living it

The real reason I write messages and send out emails to you is not because I just want to take something material from you, like money.  It’s not because I want to talk you into something you don’t need.

I’m writing you because if you only realize what your WHY is, then we can help each other and you will work that much harder on what is really important to you.

Listen, I’m not sitting back at some beach resort sipping mai-tais. I work a full-time job that I honestly do not enjoy.

And you know what? I am going to keep reaching for what I want out of life, come Hell or high water. I won’t stop trying for positive change!

Knowing what your WHY is will help you out a lot, as it is helping me, but its only the beginning.

Is it going to be a tough road? Hell yea – soul searching is always tough – but that’s what makes it great. It’s not the end result that’s important. It’s the process involved that truly grows a person from the inside out.

And I am not alone in this journey. I am NOT alone!

To start your Affiliate Marketing 2.0 journey, go here ==>

OLSP Afiliate Marketing Academy


~Mike J Anthony
“Won’t Stop Trying for Positive Change”

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