What Will You Do Without Freedom?

What Will You Do Without Freedom?

I chose the above title, What Will You Do Without Freedom, because I am talking about financial freedom.  But then I realized this was also stated in the movie, Braveheart, with Mel Gibson.


Mel’s character, William Wallace, was right to ask this of his people as they were being oppressed by the English. The Scottish royalty of his time did not want to fight for freedom.  They were satisfied with what the English King allowed them to have, and that was far from freedom.


But the oppression I am talking about comes from you having to go to work everyday, of not having enough time and freedom, and of not having enough money to not only survive but to also thrive.  This is also not freedom. So, I ask you again:  What will you do without freedom?

“Slaves Are Made in Such Ways…”


Are you going to keep going to work everyday for a boss or upper management that does not like you?  Take your boss, for example: They, themselves, might have had to scrimp, scratch, and claw their way to their position.  Because of this, they will not have any mercy for you, who they think should do the same thing.  This creates a vicious cycle of people back-stabbing each other just to “get ahead”.  Get ahead of what exactly?!  


Is that the kind of life you want?  Will you work for wages barely enough to survive?  Are you relying on a401k retirement planthat was a lie to begin with?  Do you really think you are truly going to “get ahead” or retire at all from your job?


James Altucher said:

…..What is your other choice? To stay at a job where the boss is trying to keep you down, will eventually replace you, will pay you only enough for you to survive, will rotate between compliments and insults so you stay like a fish caught on the bait as he reels you in. Is that your best other choice? You and I have the same 24 hours each day. Is that how you will spend yours?…..


If you don’t start some kind of business, or act of in-dependency from the “system”, you are doomed to stay locked within it.  Be warned, however, this system does not have your best interests at heart.  Don’t believe me?


Maybe you’ll believe Amschel Mayer Rothschild who said in an 1838 communique:

Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws.  The few who could understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.


That “great body of people” Rothschild referred to above is US, the other 99%, who have to struggle within the system to survive everyday and “bear its burdens without complaint”!


Sometimes, I don’t know if I should tell people of my plans to start to work on living on my own terms, rather than on those of my boss.  Indeed, I only share this plan with a choice few as many will try to shatter your dreams on the spot.


Most people, your friends and coworkers, even family, etc, are so ingrained in the “system” that they will not like that you’re trying to leave it – that you even talk about leaving it.  These people are not “even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests”, so how dare you try to leave it.  They hate you for trying, though they may not say it directly to you like that.


Some will relish in your failure, as they see it, if you aren’t rich next year.  But believe you me, these same people will suddenly try to be your best friends in the world should you succeed!


The way I see it, as long as I try, I am already sowing the seeds of freedom.  I don’t care about failure because as long as you don’t give up, failure is not option, but a stepping stone onto success.


 What Will You Do If You Don’t Try?


…And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom. ~William Wallace (Braveheart)


For me, I might as well lay down and die right now if I don’t try.  What’s the worst that can happen? You go back to that same boring job and keep doing what you’ve always done?


Maybe you keep making those same tired excuses as to why you can’t even try to succeed at something else?


“Every man dies, but not every man really lives.”   ~William Wallace, Braveheart


Secure your financial freedom so you can scream in your best Braveheart voice: 


==> Go Here!


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