All I Do Is Fail….

All I Do Is Fail….

I’m serious folks…


I’m gonna tell you the truth.


It’s not going to be easy to hear – but it WILL be the Truth!

Truth is:




I’ve done everything under the sun, as they say.

It’s frustrating, for sure..but I also understand this:

FAILURE is part of the equation for success!


Without failure, you don’t know how to succeed!

Without failure, you don’t know what you don’t know!

Without failure, you don’t comprehend what you need to…

Without failure, you don’t know what success truly is…

Without failure, you think you’re smarter or better than everyone else… (Read that again)

Without failure, you don’t learn the important life lessons that actually mean a DAMN!


That’s what FAILURE is for….


It’s part of the equation for SUCCESS…


As much as it hurts to hear it, its the truth…


Mike J Anthony


 P.S.  A wise man once said:

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right…”


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