Amazon Sees the Value of Domain Names

Amazon Sees the Value of Domain Names

Just over a year ago, Amazon, the retail behemoth, purchased several domains related to cryptocurrencies, such as AmazonBitcoin .com.

You can read about this here:

My purpose in bringing this up is because Amazon obviously saw the value these domains would have in the future.

They knew, with the proliferation of cryptocurrencies in the world, that these domains would be something they could use and also possibly provide more valuable assets to the company.

Just by picking up a few domains for around $10 each, Amazon potentially added tens of thousands of dollars to its future value, just from the domain names by themselves, and not from what they will do with these domains, which could be worth millions.

My point is that you can do the same thing, without being a huge company.

Buying and selling domains is a great business for individuals because only 1 person or entity can own a domain at a time.

If you own a domain someone else would want, they will be willing to pay a pretty penny for it because they cannot just go down to the local corner store and buy the same exact domain name as yours.  They would have to buy yours from you!

This is why domains are not going out of style. They are a part of the internet itself so the demand is always there.

A couple years ago, you could have registered cryptocurrencyjobs .com for $10. That domain most recently sold for $2,295.

The domain cryptocurrencynews .com currently has an estimated value of over $11,000 by Godaddy, the world’s largest domain registrar.

You could have also purchased this domain for $10 just a couple short years ago.

Opportunities like this exist all the time! You do not even have to wait years before you sell them.

Also, hundreds of domains expire everyday and you could pick up some good expired domains for cheap and resell them for hundreds of dollars!

Many people buy and then sell domains like this in a few days after purchase, once they’ve done their homework on what could be a sellable domain.

You could start doing this by yourself but you really should have a mentor to show you the ins and out of this lucrative industry.


That’s where this course comes in:


Mike J Anthony



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