Leased Ad Space 2.0 Fixes Payment Option Issue, Enhances Affiliate Program

Leased Ad Space 2.0 Fixes Payment Option Issue, Enhances Affiliate Program

Leased Ad Space 2.0

Leased Ad Space (LAS) has had a big problem and it caused a lot of people to either leave a lot of money on the table, or, like me, not even bother wanting to recommend it anymore, even though I think it is a cool little newbie-friendly ad platform.

I personally like the personal blog that’s included as I have found this to be a very powerful way to get free organic Google search engine traffic when using the right keywords.  This Leased Ad Space network turns out to have some powerful link juice behind it. (See ‘Best Place to Buy Targeted Website Traffic That Converts | Cheap Traffic‘)

One problem was that the old LAS system used 100% member-to-member payments.  This just ended up being a sort of membership gifting system tied to ad packages.  And, because payment processors, mainly Paypal, presented their own problems with this, LAS just opted out of using Paypal entirely, and simply went to Bitcoin as its only means of payment.

As you can imagine, this became another problem in itself because many people either do not understand Bitcoin, or want to even bother having to setup a Bitcoin account just to pay for a $7 ad package.

I can’t blame them.  There should be a better and much simpler option and it caused myself to become uninterested.  This became what I call the LAS “payment problem”.  Basically, there was no easy way to make a payment, especially for those who wanted to.

I, myself, stopped actively promoting this because, what good is it to recommend this to others when there is no simple way to pay for an ad package, and there was no benefit or incentive for free members either?

Good news: This payment problem has been FIXED!

Leased Ad Space 2.0 has now centralized the payment options (it is no longer a member-to-member gifting system) so they can now offer Paypal, and credit/debit cards, in addition to Bitcoin.  This is great news!

Even better news? The affiliate compensation plan has also been enhanced, and even free members can now participate in the affiliate program and NOT be required to pay $7 for an ad package first. 

Another problem with the old system was that, if you filled up your first level, that was it!   You could not make any further commissions on anyone else coming into the plan at the first or whatever level they were coming in at. 

In the new system, affiliates will be able to make commissions on anyone they personally refer, no matter where they are in the comp plan or when they came in.

Free members can even become affiliates of LAS and earn 25% commissions on whatever they sell through their own referrals.  This was not possible in the old system.  All that is required of free members is to pay a one time $10 admin fee, for tracking and support, etc and then they are in.

However, if a free member goes ahead and purchases an ad package, and its highly recommended that they do, then they will earn 50% on all referral commissions instead of 25%.

Red Diamond members, those who own all of the ad packages, will earn 75% on all referral commissions.

This is all very good news and I am unofficially calling this the new and improved Leased Ad Space 2.0, and it all starts on Monday, July 9. 

Get started here –>



Mike J Anthony

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