Category: Making Money Online

Get Paid to Sell Your Browsing Data

Get Paid to Sell Your Browsing Data

Get Paid up to $401.50 in Passive Income Each Year! Anyone can do this and join from Anywhere…for Free! The “big boys”, i.e. Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc, make $100s of Billions from YOUR data every year! Why shouldn’t YOU get paid from YOUR OWN data as well? More info here ==>  



I am sorry you missed out on the Founders stage of ONPASSIVE. ONPASSIVE has moved onto the next phase of its growth and development and does not require anymore Founders. However, you can still be a part of the ONPASSIVE Ecosystem by registering below… CLICK HERE   Power of Blockchain: Learn how you can own…

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READ THIS: If You Absolutely SUCK At Making Money Online

READ THIS: If You Absolutely SUCK At Making Money Online

If you absolutely SUCK at making money online (which is 99% of those who try it) then this is your lucky day…seriously!   ==>   If you’ve been trying to make money online, trying anything and everything, but NOTHING is working out, here is the reason why…   The truth is: You’ve been living…

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Amazon Sees the Value of Domain Names

Amazon Sees the Value of Domain Names

Just over a year ago, Amazon, the retail behemoth, purchased several domains related to cryptocurrencies, such as AmazonBitcoin .com. You can read about this here: My purpose in bringing this up is because Amazon obviously saw the value these domains would have in the future. They knew, with the proliferation of cryptocurrencies in the…

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CryptoNick BitConnect Debacle and the Truth About Cryptocurrency Ponzi Schemes

CryptoNick BitConnect Debacle and the Truth About Cryptocurrency Ponzi Schemes

Who is CryptoNick? He was a YouTube personality, before he disappeared, that was paid for promoting one of the largest Cryptocurrency ponzi schemes in the world, BitConnect.  Now that BitConnect has fallen, CryptoNick and some other BitConnect cronies, have become immediate targets. The problem is not getting paid to refer people to something.  That’s legal.  Think…

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Buying and Selling Local Bitcoin?

Buying and Selling Local Bitcoin?

Greetings, Most of you know that I am a big supporter of Bitcoin. I just love being able to buy and sell without a middle man, and outside the banksters of the world.  Thomas Jefferson once said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation,…

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All I Do Is Fail….

All I Do Is Fail….

I’m serious folks…   I’m gonna tell you the truth.   It’s not going to be easy to hear – but it WILL be the Truth! Truth is:   ALL I DO IS FAIL….   I’ve done everything under the sun, as they say. It’s frustrating, for sure..but I also understand this: FAILURE is part…

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