Coronavirus Will Send Bitcoin Price to $100,000 in 2020

Coronavirus Will Send Bitcoin Price to $100,000 in 2020

Gold Is ‘Toilet Paper’ for the Rich, Bitcoin for the Poor — Max Keiser

Bitcoin (BTC) will reach $100,000 and Jamie Dimon will be “begging” the United States Federal Reserve for money to buy some.

Those were just two of the predictions from Max Keiser on March 5, as the coronavirus outbreak sees financial markets tumble again.

Keiser: 2020 is “part two” of the 2008 crisis

Speaking on the latest edition of his RT news magazine, The Keiser Report, the well-known Bitcoin proponent said that global panic would have a profound impact on Bitcoin uptake this year.

2020, he explained, was “part two of the global financial crisis” which originally spawned the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2009.

“…Now Bitcoin will experience part two of the global financial crisis — it’s already close to $10,000 a coin,” he told fellow presenter Stacey Herbert.

This is the global financial crisis that will catapult the price to $100,000 and beyond.

As Cointelegraph reported, Bitcoin saw losses in line with traditional markets including gold last week but has made gains in recent days.

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I currently buy Bitcoin and Litecoin using Binance.US ==>

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