Tag: buy bitcoin

Bitcoin Explosion to 11800 Price Target

Bitcoin Explosion to 11800 Price Target

May 1, 2020 BITCOIN PRICE EXPLOSION TO $11,800 TARGET?? | BTC HALVING!  This video talks about the latest bitcoin news from The Moon on YouTube. A few highlights in the video: Bitcoin price target to $11,800? Bitcoin halving coming up Number of non-zero Bitcoin addresses reaches all time high   I continue to believe…

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Was March 12th 2020 Bitcoins Final Capitulation?

Was March 12th 2020 Bitcoins Final Capitulation?

Very recently last month, on March 12th, 2020, Bitcoin had a dip down below the $4,000 level.  Was this bitcoin’s final capitulation of the year? I’ve written in previous articles that the best times to enter and exit any market is during times of extreme volatility, or times of extreme fear and greed. We have…

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Coronavirus Will Send Bitcoin Price to $100,000 in 2020

Coronavirus Will Send Bitcoin Price to $100,000 in 2020

Bitcoin (BTC) will reach $100,000 and Jamie Dimon will be “begging” the United States Federal Reserve for money to buy some. Those were just two of the predictions from Max Keiser on March 5, as the coronavirus outbreak sees financial markets tumble again. Keiser: 2020 is “part two” of the 2008 crisis Speaking on the…

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The Bitcoin Sneaky Stealth Bull Market 2020

The Bitcoin Sneaky Stealth Bull Market 2020

 Back in January 2019, I made a video based on Bitcoin’s sneaky stealth bull market (above). The price was at around $3,600.  Fast forward to today and the price has gone to $13,800 and then back down to around $7,000, where it is as of this writing. I believe the Bitcoin market has definitely…

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Could This Be the Last Time Bitcoin Is At $10000?

Could This Be the Last Time Bitcoin Is At $10000?

7/2/2019 We are getting a much needed correction in Bitcoin prices lately, as of this writing, and Bitcoin is currently just under $10K. I believe this will be the last time Bitcoin will ever be available at these prices. If you have any interest at all in Bitcoin, NOW is when you need to be…

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A Bitcoin Buying Opportunity? CFTC Approves Bitcoin Futures Settlements

A Bitcoin Buying Opportunity? CFTC Approves Bitcoin Futures Settlements

June 27, 2019 There has been a very healthy pullback after Bitcoin’s run, which was nothing short of PHENOMENAL! Institutional Investors Buy Bitcoin A New York firm (Wall Street), named LedgerX, just got APPROVED to settle Bitcoin futures by the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) 2 days ago, and starts trading next month. (See https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-25/retail-derivatives-that-pay-out-with-bitcoins-approved-by-cftc)…

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Vicious Crypto Crash Could Supercharge Bitcoin Price Rally to $20000

Vicious Crypto Crash Could Supercharge Bitcoin Price Rally to $20000

By CCN: Bitcoin’s mammoth rally suffered a devastating setback on Friday when a $35 million sell order triggered a vicious flash crash on Bitstamp. By the time the dominoes had stopped falling, the bitcoin price had plunged as low as $6,894, and more than $32 billion had vanished from the crypto market cap. And fervent bitcoin bull Mati Greenspan couldn’t…

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Susquehanna International Group Opens Up Bitcoin Futures Trading

Susquehanna International Group Opens Up Bitcoin Futures Trading

American global trading and technology firm Susquehanna International Group is opening cryptocurrency trading to its clients, initially in the form of Bitcoin(BTC) futures, the New York Times reported June 5. The company, based in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, is one of the largest financial firms in the world, trading traditional investments, such as stocks, options, and exchange traded funds (ETFs).…

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