Consolidate High Interest Debt With Up to $40000 Personal Loan

Consolidate High Interest Debt With Up to $40000 Personal Loan

If you need to consolidate high interest debt, then this is an option you should carefully consider.

How to Consolidate High Interest Debt

I personally used this service to get a $32,000 quick loan. Then another for $10,000. Then another for $25,000.

Credit card debt is a staggering problem for many Americans. According to this article, Average U.S. Credit Card Debt Statistics to Know in 2023, by Lexington Law:

With inflation and interest rates on the rise in America, so is credit card debt. American credit card debt is now at $986 billion, which is higher than the pre-pandemic spike of $927 billion.  Due to these and other financial stressors, people have turned to credit cards more than ever to help cover costs.

In 1999, credit card debt stood at $478 billion. So you can see its more than doubled over the last 25 years.

Can I get a debt consolidation loan with high debt to income ratio?

If you’re anything like me, then you might have over 10 credit cards, all at or near their credit limits.

The picture above this article shows an actual bill and interest rate change from 19.99% to 26.24%. This is the kind of thing that happens more likely than not when you have to carry balances.

Needless to say, this was getting out of control pretty quickly.

Not even because of the total amount of money owed, but simply because trying to make payments on so many credit cards by their due dates becomes a full-time job in and of itself.

We all know that the very reason we might need a debt consolidation loan from a traditional bank is the very reason that they will also deny you from ever getting one!

They even have their fancy advertisements all over the place, but when you go to get a loan, you will be denied – mainly because you simply have too much debt! 

If you’ve found yourself in this situation, like I did, then you will most definitely need another option. 

I eventually found a lending service that I found very easy to work with, to apply to, without affecting my credit anymore than it already was, and where I was not denied, like all the regular banks that I previously applied to did.

This lender is a group of investors that are willing to lend you money from their own bank, if you qualify, of course.  Once you are approved, they quickly deposit the funds directly into your bank account usually within 7 days.

Anyone who is eligible can get loans up to $40,000 quickly and easily. You can get a personal loan for any number of reasons other than debt consolidation too.  Debt consolidation is just what I needed it for. They also have loans available for business, personal, auto, real estate, SBA, etc…

Do Consolidation Loans Hurt Your Credit?

It doesn’t even affect your credit score to apply, so that is very helpful when you’re trying to improve your credit and not hurt it even more.

The annual interest rates and fees are better than what you’d normally pay most credit card companies or traditional banks. The average national credit card interest rate currently stands at 19.07%.

I was able to decrease my average interest rate by over 5% annually, using this service, saving me a few thousand per year that I would have otherwise paid out in interest to the credit card companies.  This savings helped to pay off the debt faster and saved me a lot in interest fees alone.

Not to mention, the headache of receiving a mountain of bills in the mail, and email, and managing the paying down of the balances on several different days of each month, has all disappeared.

If you are in a similar situation, and already paying high interest rates, then you should check this out to consolidate high interest debt and lower your total annual costs…


Apply anytime, from anywhere, and get funds fast!

~Mike J Anthony

P.S. I am a satisfied customer who has used the service to get 3 personal loans.  Check it out for yourself:

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