OLSP Academy – My First Week
I was looking for a high quality product that I could send solo ads to and earn some money, which I was thinking on a part-time basis.
August 1st – I signed up for a high quality affiliate marketing training and funnel product called Super Funnel Hero. It then refers you over to OLSP so you can enter your affiliate ID into the funnel.
So I go over to OLSP and they have a “bootcamp” introductory training, which I had no intention of going through at first. I really don’t know why, but maybe because of my past failure with affiliate marketing in general, I decided to take another look at it.
I started going through the training and I really liked what I saw, so I continued. As I learned more about the OLSP Academy, I was impressed by what they have over there and I wanted to learn more.
August 3rd – I completed the training, got a certificate of completion, and upgraded to what they call “Dominator” status. This opened up more stuff that was previously closed to me and I love what I am getting. I also completed a short introductory coaching call with an OLSP coach over Zoom. You cannot move forward until you do this.
After going through the bootcamp, I was actually motivated and excited to hear from the Coach. The new stuff opened up to me was even more interesting and I also joined a private Facebook group dedicated to just Dominators.
I was also introduced to the “VIP” video which talks about the benefits of becoming a VIP, the top level within the OLSP Academy. I am definitely interested in this and I am now awaiting my 2nd call with my coach to hear more about this.
I am unexpectedly excited about this journey because they have a lot of great products to promote, lots of great funnels, and much more than I was ever looking for. There is definitely a big potential for greatness here and I am interested in becoming a VIP now too.
In the meantime, I have appeared on their main leaderboard just for taking action, i.e. completing the training and coaching call. I think this has earned me $50. What a great motivator for small steps there as well.
August 5th – I have just gone through some new familiarity videos just for Dominators. I was a little upset when I realized I had missed a live Q&A session for Dominators as well because I read the time zone wrong. I was going to ask how I could become a VIP sooner rather than having to wait for a coach.
One other thing I was surprised by: Apparently, I am given traffic as a Dominator and have had 2 referrals show up in my “Your Leads” section of my dashboard. I did not know I’d be getting traffic from this system, which is freaking AWESOME!
I will post another update later on.
~Mike J Anthony
Traffic and List-Building Done Right

Introducing Wayne Crowe, owner of the OLSP Academy – Over the last few years, he is an online marketer with earnings well over $15 million and has gotten over 11 million clicks from his email list alone, worth over $5 million in dollar terms.
His academy has helped thousands of ordinary people earn their very first commissions online, the right way, while saving them years of time and thousands of dollars! ==> https://mikejanthony.com/olsp
Get Started with NEW Affiliate Marketing 2.0: OLSP Academy Here